Thursday, March 19, 2009

Miracles of Allah!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Swords and other things, linked by Holy prophet (p.b.u.h)

Battle field of UhdhA view of the battle field of Uhudh in which Holy prophet (p.b.u.h) was injured and 70 muslims led their lives & martyred for the cause of Islam

Badar GraveyardThis is the view of badar graveyard.Near the battle field of Badar where muslims fought against Kuffars for the first time.It was 2 hijra.

grave of hazrat ibrahim son of hazrat muhammed in jannat ul baqi shareef

Friday, March 6, 2009

This is a view of Rauza e Rasool ( P.B.U.H) , which is not open for visitors May ALLAH bless all of us . ( Ameen )
Foot Mark Of Hazrat Adam ( AS ) , In Srilanka First Foot Mark on Earth .

Amma Hawa in Jeddah .

Abeel, son of Hazrat ADAM Al., first grave on earth, in Jordan .

Abeel, another view of grave of Abeel, son of ADAM Al.

Grave of Hazrat Youshe, first Prophet after Adam, its in Jordan .

Makam E Ibrahim

Grave of Hazrat IBRAHIM - Al - Khalil , ISRAEL

Grave of Hazrat Lot in Iraq .

Grave of Dawood ( AS ) in Israel .

Grave of Shoab ( AS ) in Israel .

Grave of Hazrat Saleh (AS)

Grave of MOOSA ( AS ) in Israel .

Haroon Al

Zakaria Al.
Yahya Al.

Grave of BIBI AMENA , some where outside Macca

Grave of BIBI HALEEMA, out side Madina.

Hazrat Abu Taleb, Uncle of Prophet Mohammed Sl., in Macca

Bibi Khatiza, Ummul momeenin
Rowza of 4 Imams, before destruction, the cage was made from pure GOLD.

Bilal Habashi, in Damuscus